Go Went Gone Holiday 架勢遊是專於 free walker 的網上雜誌!與你們分享世界各地的旅遊熱點、飲食、購物、機票、文化和歷史,期望以多角度寫作手法,打造一個充滿故事旅遊玩樂網站。香港90後的年青人在電視、報章、雜誌、網媒倡導及廉航增加的帶動下,酷愛旅遊玩樂,網上所提供背景或文化資料有限,有見及此,holiday.gowentgone.net 期望言簡意賅地介紹香港及世界各地不同的文化資訊, 讓悠閒、娛樂蘊含著博大知識。
Go Went Gone Holiday is an online travel and food magazine website leading by young people. We would like to bring out a different view of travel and food focusing on culture, stories and history backgrounds etc… Nowadays, Hong Kong’s new generations enjoy uploading photos on social media while traveling and eating food by the effect of “Check In” trade. Base on the trade, online media will have limited information about culture and history. Therefore, our website would like to start up a different travel trade with more background information. To let travellers have a meaningful trip.
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